As part of our new year’s reflections, our EduSelect team has come up with our list of top three most important things to consider when hiring. After our debate and discussion, here’s what we came up with. Let us know what you think!
Tip #1 (most important!)
Know what you are hiring for. Identify the tasks and duties of the job and then clearly define the knowledge and skills that you are seeking in a new-hire. If you don’t define what you are looking for, then you will be less likely to find it!
Tip #2 (also important!)
Create an inviting and engaging job posting. Market the job and your organization effectively! Leverage your employment value proposition so that candidates are excited to apply to your organization.
Tip #3 (equally important!)
Advertise the job in the right places. Recruitment is an active process. Invest the time to research where the candidates you are seeking are looking for work. Find the right job posting sites, explore social media platforms, talk to your network, and engage with post-secondary institutions. The wider the network, the more likely you will find your perfect candidate.
Check out EduSelect to get more detail about these top three tips and others to ensure you maximize your chances of finding your perfect candidate!